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如:阿里山金萱烏龍茶 春茶
































發酵程度 製作工藝名稱 臺灣茶代表 常見茶葉品種 沖泡水溫 茶湯顏色 精緻工藝名稱
不發酵 綠茶 碧螺春 青心柑仔 70~80度
不發酵 綠茶 龍井 青心柑仔 70~80度
部分發酵 烏龍茶 文山包種茶 青心烏龍 95度以上 金黃
部分發酵 烏龍茶 清香烏龍茶 四季春/翠玉/金萱 95度以上 金黃
部分發酵 烏龍茶 高山烏龍茶 青心烏龍/金萱 95度以上 金黃
部分發酵 烏龍茶 花茶 青心烏龍/金萱/四季春/翠玉 95度以上 金黃 窨花
部分發酵 烏龍茶 凍頂烏龍茶 青心烏龍 95度以上 深金黃 烘焙
部分發酵 烏龍茶 鐵觀音 鐵觀音 95度以上 深金黃 烘焙
部分發酵 烏龍茶 東方美人茶 青心大冇 80~85度 深金黃
部分發酵 烏龍茶 紅烏龍 青心烏龍/金萱 95度以上 橘紅 烘焙
全發酵 紅茶 小葉種紅茶 青心烏龍/金萱 90~95度 橘紅
全發酵 紅茶 蜜香紅茶 大葉烏龍 90~95度 橘紅
全發酵 紅茶 阿薩姆紅茶 阿薩姆 90~95度
全發酵 紅茶 紅玉紅茶 紅玉 90~95度









英文Black Tea 為紅茶,因為歐洲人是以茶葉外觀顏色命名,亞洲以茶湯顏色命名。

Oolong Tea is Not Green Tea!!

This article teaches you how to distinguish the different types of tea in Taiwan

Briefly describe that there are many different classification methods for tea, such as distinguishing by place name, variety, and season, and then the main classification method of tea is distinguished by the degree of fermentation (non-fermentation, semi- fermentation, full-fermentation, post-fermentation, etc.)

The naming methods of Taiwanese tea are quite diverse and complicated.

The names of Alishan tea, High mountain tea, Taiwan tea No. 18, and Honey flavor tea are always confusing. As long as you grasp the principle, it is quite easy to distinguish.

-Why are there so many names?

Can make the product name easier to attract consumers.

For example, Fresh Lishan Oolong Tea is the original name, which can be named High mountain Tea, Yunwu Tea, and Snow mountain Tea.


-The basic elements of naming.

The basic elements can include aroma, place of production, variety, and production


For example, Dongding tea, its correct name is Luangxiang Dongding Qingxin Oolong

Oolong Tea.


The naming method consists of the following elements;


Muzha, Wenshan, Hsinchu (Emei, Beipu), Mingjian, Zhushan, Dongding, Shanlinxi,

Cuifeng, Lishan, Alishan, Ruisui, Taitung


Production method (different fermentation):

Green tea (non-fermentation), Oolong tea (semi-fermentaton), black tea (full-fermentation),

dark tea (post-fermentation) 

Exquisite processing method:

Roasting, scenting 


Qingxin Oolong, Jinxuan Tea, Four season, Jade Tea, Tieguanyin, Ruby, Assam


Spring tea, Summer tea, Autumn tea, Winter tea

The main naming method for Taiwanese tea is the combination of the place of origin + variety + production method, and the season is mostly the name of the note.


Such as: Alishan Jinxuan Oolong Tea Spring Tea


What is Alishan tea (common name in the market)?


Because most people in Taiwan drink oolong tea made from Qingxin Oolong varieties,

they will brief the flavor, variety name, and production method.

The correct name should be Alishan Qingxin Oolong Oolong Tea.

If it is not the oolong tea made by Qingxin Oolong, the varieties will be specifically written, such as Alishan Jinxuan tea (common name in the market), the correct name is Alishan Jinxuan Oolong tea.

As time evolves, because some unique tea-making techniques are only developed in specific areas, the place of origin can represent their production techniques.

Oolong tea is not green tea. These are two different methods of making tea.

The name will confuse everyone. The main reason is that the fragrant oolong tea tastes quite sweet, and the poor manufacturing technology will make the oolong tea that should have been fermented quite lightly taste like green tea. The real green tea must have the fragrance of grass, just like the smell in the air after mowing.

Introduce the types of tea in Taiwan and classify it by region, such as: Wenshan Baozhong Tea, Alishan Oolong Tea, Dongding Oolong Tea, etc.

You can also classify tea tree types, such as Qingxin Oolong, Four season, Jinxuan, etc. (4 ~6 common types) 

Classified by region:

Wenshan Baozhong Tea: The original meaning of the straight fragrant oolong tea planted in the Wenshan tea area and made with Qingxin Oolong, was later derived from the fragrant stripe fragrant oolong tea.

Oriental Beauty Tea: Originally refers to the honey-scented oolong tea that was grown in the Emei and Beichu tea areas of Hsinchu and was bitten by a small green leafhopper. Later, it was derived from the name of honey-scented oolong bud tea.

Dongding Oolong Tea: Originally refers to the fragrant semispherical oolong tea planted on Dongding Mountain, using Qingxin Oolong as the raw material, and then kneading and roasting. Later, it was derived from the fragrant semispherical oolong tea.

High Mountain Tea: Originally refers to the fragrant semispherical oolong tea grown in

mountainous areas above 1,000 meters above sea level and kneaded. Later, it was derived from the fragrant semispherical oolong tea.

Classified by taste:

Qingcha: refers to the fragrant oolong tea

Raw tea: refers to fragrant oolong tea

Sweet tea: refers to the slightly roasted foot-fermented oolong tea, which has a long-lasting sweet taste

Semi-roasted tea: refers to lightly roasted oolong tea

Ripe tea: refers to oolong tea that has been roasted and the tea soup is dark golden to

yellow brown

Elderly tea: refers to oolong tea that has been re-roasted and the tea soup is yellow brown


Classification by species

Jinxuan tea: Oolong tea made from Jinxuan varieties.

Jade tea: Oolong tea made from jade varieties.

Four season Tea: Oolong tea made from Four season varieties.

Assam Black Tea: Black tea made from Assam varieties.

Ruby black tea: black tea made from red jade varieties.

Small-leaved black tea: black tea made from small-leaved tea, such as Jinxuan, Qingxin Oolong, and Four season.


Names of tea products named after allusions, production and marketing teams or new creations:

Such as: Zhulu Tea, Snow Mountain Tea, Yunwu Tea, Admiral Tea, President Tea, Champion Tea...

Introduce 3 different fermentation levels and their corresponding tea classification and tea color, and explain the relationship between green tea, oolong tea and black tea

Fermentation Tea type Tea Common tea variety Temperature Color Skill name
Non-fermentation Green tea Biluochun Qing xin gan zi 70~80 degree Green no
Non-fermentation Green tea Longjing Qing xin gan zi 70~80 degree Green No
Semi-fermentation Oolong tea Wenshan Baozhoung Qing xin oolong 95 above Gold yellow No
Semi-fermentation Oolong tea Fresh oolong Four season/Jin xuan 95 above Gold yellow No
Semi-fermentation Oolong tea High mountain Qing xin oolong/Jin xuan 95 above Gold yellow No
Semi-fermentation Oolong tea Flower tea Qing xin oolong/Jin xuan/Four season 95 above Gold yellow Xun hua
Semi-fermentation Oolong tea Dong ding Qing xin oolong 95 above Dark gold yellow Roasted
Semi-fermentation Oolong tea Tieguanyin Tiegunyin 95 above Dark gold yellow roasted
Semi-fermentation Oolong tea Oriental Beauty Qing xin da wu 80~85 degree Dark gold yellow No
Semi-fermentation Oolong tea Red oolong Qing xin oolong/Jin xuan 95 above Orange red Roasted
Full-fermentation Black tea Small leave Qing xin oolong/Jin xuan 90~95 degree Orange red No
Full-fermentation Black tea Honey black Big leave oolong 90~95 degree Orange red No
Full-fermentation Black tea Assam Assam 90~95 degree Red No
Full-fermentation Black tea Ruby Ruby 90~95 degree Red No


Green tea, oolong tea, and black tea refer to tea-making methods with different degrees of fermentation.

Fermentation refers to the biochemical reaction process that uses microorganisms to decompose organic matter.

The oxidation of tea depends on its own oxidase, just like the process of a banana from green to dark yellow. 

Different tea varieties have suitable tea making methods.

For example, Assam is suitable for making black tea, instead of making oolong tea or green tea, its flavor is not good and it is difficult to drink.

Dongding oolong tea must use high-fermentation tea leaves and roasting, to produce a unique flavor, its taste is strong, the sweetness is long-lasting, and it can be stored for a long time.

Fermentation is totally different with roasting. Roasted will only change tea flavor, but will not change fermentation. For example, green tea will not turn into black tea due to roasting. 

There is no dark tea in Taiwan. Dark tea refers to cooked Pu'er tea, Hunan dark tea, and

Guangxi Liubao tea.

English Black Tea is black tea, because Europeans are named for the appearance color of tea, and Asia is named after the color of tea soup.

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